Get to Know Stitch :: Shop Girl Thea

Over the next several weeks, we’d like to introduce you to the many friendly faces you see at Stitch Sew Shop. Each and every one of us shares a love of sewing, and we each have our own story and approach to what we do. We hope you enjoy these little peeks into the personality of each of us here at Stitch!

Thea has lived in the area since 1974. She’s one of the best ones to ask if you have questions about Alexandria!

When you aren’t sewing, what are you doing?

Traveling to visit family, friends (CA, New England) and especial NYC to visit my 2 year old grandson. I love dance lessons, I started with ballroom, swing, salsa and now do country line. I’m also busy downsizing my house — in other words throwing out a lifetime of “why did I keep this??” and “who’s in this picture??”

When did you start working at Stitch?

February 2017

How long have you been sewing and how did you learn?

When I got a Barbie doll, I started sewing clothes for her by hand.  When I was about 10, my aunt asked if I wanted to learn to use a machine over summer vacation. I was so excited about learning, that I did her dishes and ironing in exchange for the lessons. By the end of the summer, I had made a dress with a pleated skirt.  Every summer after that I made all my new clothes to start the new school year.

I also had sewing in school and have taken classes whenever I could.  Online classes are great but it’s more fun to be in a class and see everyone else’s creativity.

Of what project are you most proud?

There are several over the years, a man’s tailored suit was probably the most perfect sewing project that I ever tackled.  But the one I’m most proud of was the First Communion dress that I made for my little girl. The fabric was dotted Swiss, lined with voile and had over 20 yards of lace, it was so pretty like a little bridal gown.

What are your favorite items to sew?

My favorites to sew are T-shirts because they are so fast and simple.  I also love making little shirts, pants and things for my little 2 yr old grandson.

Do you prefer working with knits or wovens?

Prefer knits most of the time, knits are more forgiving if I’m off on the size a bit.  But I enjoy making special projects out of wovens, like prom dresses for my daughters and pants for my boys.  I”m better at fitting other people rather than myself.

Prints or solids? If prints, what kinds?

I tend to wear mainly solids, but love little prints like the Liberty lawn prints.  Or the Art Gallery knit geometric prints.

Favorite sewing resource?

Until they passed, I always called my aunts – they knew EVERYTHING!  Someone asked me to take the lining of a coat and sew a fur vest out of it.  My aunt walked me through it, I had not yet known about special leather needles and the process for sewing fur.  

Currently my favorite resource is just Google and You Tube videos.

Favorite sewing tool?

Favorite sewing tools are patience and a snipper/seam ripper.  There’s a Colette pin that is a seam ripper and says “No Regrets”, so true.  If you make a mistake, take the time to pick those stitches out and make it right, you’ll never regret it!

Best sewing tip/trick?

When I teach a group or an individual class,  I’ll point things out and someone says “Oh that’s a great tip!”. I should immediately write that down, because I’ve been sewing for so long, it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me until someone comments.  

One trick is always make sure that your knit neckline binding is slightly smaller than the body neckline so that there are no gaps hanging at the neckline. 

The best tip would be don’t rush learning a new skill. Take your time to understand what each step is and then practice – a lot.  The people who I know will succeed are the ones who get fabric to make another tote bag or PJ pants as soon as their class is over. Then go home and make another one right away to reinforce their new knowledge and nail down the process.